Rev. Kitty Benson – Guaranteed Good

Sunday after the service I drove to Peoria to be with my mom on her 91st birthday. When I arrived some of my nieces and nephews were out in the backyard celebrating their grandma and catching up with each other, while keeping a safe distance. As I chatted with them to see how they were handling sheltering in place, I discovered that some had lost their jobs, had been furloughed, or had to close their businesses. and were doing whatever they could to keep a roof over their head.  Two of them had new babies less than a year old to care for. While I knew they all had a larger family to help care for them, including me, I thought of the millions right now who may not have that support. Which is why this week I began a new message series entitled “Guaranteed Good.” I’m hoping to remind and inspire you as Essential Light Workers that when you can’t be of physical support to someone during this challenge, you can use this time to help lift and transform the collective consciousness around this pandemic and help to release the flow of God‘s abundant good. Not only is that good abundant, but guaranteed. At this very moment there is an infinite realm of spiritual substance among us. It is the kingdom of God that Jesus spoke of, the treasure in heaven, not to be gained after we leave this world, but ready now to be formed and fashioned into our daily needs. And that requires a consciousness that can see it, claim it, and call it forth into the world.

I’ll remind you of what Unity‘s cofounder Charles Fillmore wrote: “ The spiritual substance from which comes all visible wealth is never depleted. It is right with you all the time and responds to your faith in it and your demands on it. Be still and turn within to the great source. See with the eye of faith that the whole world is filled with substance. See it falling all about you as snowflakes of gold and silver. Pour your living words of faith into the Omnipresent substance and you will be prospered though all the banks in the world close their doors. Turn the great energy of your thinking toward “plenty” ideas, and you will have plenty regardless of what the world about you is saying or doing.”

Will you join me in seeing the tide turn on this pandemic and the shortage it has caused? In truth there is no shortage, for God is our instant, constant, and abundant supply. Let us know and see together that: “Divine Substance flows freely in our lives and throughout the land, filling every need abundantly with grace and ease and I am grateful!” And please know, that if you are one who is in need of support to make it through this period, please contact me confidentially. Your Unity community wants to do what we can to help support you in body, mind and spirit. You can email me at

With love and blessings, Rev. Kitty

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