Beth Schwartz – “Huh, Now That’s Interesting!”

Hello, my Unity friends!

This new decade has started off for me with a number of synchronicities. The most striking one sort of hit me in the face last Sunday.  I spent 3 days in Pittsburgh for my company’s annual corporate planning meetings.  The theme of the meetings was “Vision 2020”. Sound familiar? Rev. Kitty has been taking us through a series of messages with Unity the overall theme of nationally of “2020 Perfect Spiritual Vision”.  While I get the obvious pun on 2020 equating to perfect 20/20 vision, I couldn’t help but sit in these meetings and think, “If only my co-workers knew and applied Unity principles, this company could really do great things!”

Today (Feb 2nd) I sat in Rev Kitty’s lesson, applying the steps she provided to not reacting negatively to a situation, literally as she provided them, to something that had happened in my life the day before, which I was trying to resolve for myself. First, I became aware of the feeling that negative energy had. Second, I named it – a tight feeling in my throat and tension throughout my upper body. And as Kitty directed, I said, “huh, now that’s interesting!”. Coming into the present moment (step 3), I thought about the persons the feeling was directed toward and realized I had a predisposition to feel that way (step 5) towards these people over the past 15 years, yet I’d never personally been wronged by them. As I thought about my situation from this third-party perspective, I saw that this current situation was not aided by my emotion in ANY way, and that negativity would do nothing to help resolve it. Spirit would see (step 6) such a focus on the negativity and increase it!  I then was able to put my own emotion aside, wish these persons a useful lesson from the incident in their own journey, and trust that it would resolve itself however it was meant to. When I returned home Sunday afternoon, I found that indeed, all was working out.  Apologies were exchanged promptly, I believe that lessons were learned, and all is well.

As Kitty pointed out from the example seen in the movie “Groundhog Day”, you need to change your point of view, not focus only on the negative side of a situation, before you can move forward.  Let us all move forward through this new decade, which will undoubtedly present us with many challenges, without resistance, so that we can stay in the flow of creation rather than in the re-enactment of old lessons not learned.

Here’s to an early Spring!

Beth Schwartz

UIN Board President

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