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Loving What Is

It was great having Rev. Mary Beth Speer on the pulpit on Sunday. As Michael said in his introduction of her, “she really believes this, and if she says it you can know she lives it.” It is always very thought-provoking when she speaks.

She spoke about Life and the Labyrinth and how one can often simulate the other. Life can at times appear to be a maze, and the labyrinth sometimes can only offer to us what we bring to it, how we look at it, and what we allow it to work in us.

That is what stuck out for me today. That thought that even in the labyrinth we make a choice before we begin. We can go into it expecting very little or we can go into it with reverence and a sense of the sacred. Asking the question, “What is mine to know today?”. Our return on the experience is in direct proportion to what we invest. The depth of the meaning we give to it. Such it is with life.

Mary Beth Speer also spoke about Byron Katie along those same lines stating that she is one of her favorite authors. I have been a long-time follower of Byron Katie and I could only sit and nod and reflect upon what a difference she has made in my life. I was a lifelong fan, read all of her books and went to her talks every chance I could get. I even saw her once at Unity Village. A real highlight in my life. Then I had the good fortune to actually speak with her in person at a book signing and I asked if she would speak at our church and she did! What a night!

When I made the introduction she came up and gave me a kiss on my cheek and it was such a moment to remember! The magic in “The Work” that Katie teaches is all about asking the right questions, walking through these questions with the right frame of mind, being honest, open and willing to see things differently.

Katie is fond of saying, “If you argue with reality you will only lose 100% of the time!” What that means is, we are so fond of saying things like, “She shouldn’t have done that! He should never have left me! It was too soon for him to die! My children should clean their rooms!” When all the while those things are what happened in truth. How do we know she should or he should or they should do anything?…. Because they do, because they did and that is the truth of the situation. My thoughts on the subject are what is out of alignment, not their actions. The saying,”When you change the way you see things those things will change.” Is absolutely spot on and is so true after you do “The Work” and begin to have a shift in your thinking about a person or situation sure enough! Change happens every time.

If you find yourself struggling with a situation I highly suggest you take a moment and go to: TheWork.org . Watch one of her videos to get a feel for how the worksheet works and then print out a worksheet off the site and give it a go! Remember, Lifes situations are just like the labyrinth. You will get out of it exactly what you put in! So be sure to ask before you begin, “Show me what is mine to know in this situation.” With an open mind and heart, ALL things are possible! Blessings and Love ~ Carol Gadbaw

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A Walk in the Physical

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