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Cindy Blank – Spiritual Optometrist

Vision. When I was younger, I prided myself in my 20/20 vision. And then one day, I noticed I had to squint to see street signs while driving. I got my first pair of prescription glasses and I was quite happy about all the clarity and sharpness. Alas, a few years later, the squinting returned and I had to get a stronger prescription. And now, well, it is a yearly trip to the optometrist for yet a stronger prescription. I can actually get by without glasses, but there is a slight fuzziness around the edges of everything. Even though I see fuzzy things, I know they are not, in reality, fuzzy.

Unity is my Spiritual optometrist’s office. Once a week, I get to focus in with the lenses of my choice to clearly see what has been in front of me all along. That nagging feeling I have all week that something is not right is really just the fuzziness in my mind. My impatience with someone happens when I mistakenly look through a blurry lens. A slight adjustment (stop, breathe, meditate) and I see the truth. Impatience does not actually correct anyone else’s behavior, but changing the way I look at a situation may change my behavior. My challenge has been to carry clarity with me on a consistent basis, in between “office visits.” Kitty put it well in her message Sunday, saying that we strive to “hone our human vision into a spiritual one.” And that, my friends, is why I attend Unity every Sunday – to refocus my attention and my vision with the help of Kitty, my Spiritual Optometrist!

Cindy Blank

Board Secretary

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A Walk in the Physical

NEW CLASS – “A WALK IN THE PHYSICAL” – Tues 6:30pm (CT) Apr 23 – May 14 – ONLINE. Join Rev. Kitty for this 4-week