Upa Yoga is a simple yet powerful set of ten practices that activate the joints, muscles and energy system, bringing ease to the whole system. It is a good starting point for those who are new to yoga and can be used as a preparation for other yoga practices if desired.  No yoga mat or experience is required. Love offering optional.  Meeting in the classroom at Unity in Naperville, 1600-C Shore Rd, Naperville, IL 60563.  Wear comfortable clothing. No need to bring a yoga mat. Questions? Email

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Isha Foundation is dedicated to raising human consciousness and fosters global harmony through individual transformation. Guided by Sadhguru, it is an essential resource for exploring the ancient science of yoga in all its depth and dimensions. The foundation offers a variety of programs that provide methods for anyone to attain physical, mental and spiritual well-being. Its offerings allow participants to deepen their experience of life and reach their ultimate potential.

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