Todd Dietz – A Teenager’s Tenaciousness

During this past Sunday morning’s 9:00AM Meditation Service, the theme of the meditation was, God is the source of my good. I witnessed that in action this week and would like to share the story.

High school baseball tryouts occurred this week, my son made the team and I am really happy for him, but that is not what inspired me. What inspired me, was the player who had tried out two years ago as a freshman and did not make the team. Last year as a sophomore, he tried out, and again did not make the team. Then this year, with the same coaching staff who had already evaluated this player and did not select him the two previous seasons, he tried out again. This year he made the team.

He did not allow anyone else to decide for him who he was, he presumably did not look outside himself for his good. He believed in himself, and I imagine found the strength in a higher power to show up against the unlikeliest of odds, not to mention social scrutiny from a tough teenage peer group, and he persevered. I don’t know if he will or will not get much playing time, but my guess is that either way, he’ll be at tryouts again next year, because he obviously loves playing the game, and he doesn’t look to other people to make that decision for him.

I will remember this teenager’s tenaciousness and belief in himself the next time I am faced with a tough situation. And above all, I will know that my good is not provided to me by others, God is the source of my good.

Blessings, Todd Dietz, Board Member

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