The Joy of Being

Some people refer to it as mindfulness or being in the moment. I’ve heard it said that right now is all that will ever matter in my life. 

I recently got together with some friends and asked them if they ever intentionally try to be in the moment. They all just shrugged their shoulders as if they didn’t understand. So I rephrased the question: “Do you ever do something that makes you forget about everything else in your life?” Someone shouted out, “You mean when time seems to stand still?” Bingo! Yes! Now that we were all on the same page, I asked the same question a little differently. When I am doing __ (fill in the blank) I am totally in the moment and only aware of the Joy I am experiencing.

Someone said “Riding my motorcycle”. Another said “Playing my guitar” and another, “When I’m praying.” Yes, they understood and are answering without thinking now. It continued, “Savoring a piece of dark chocolate”. Oh and “when I’m making love”…

Now we are all smiling and nodding in agreement as we realized that the Joy we thought just happened magically, happens by choice.

In his book “The Power of Now” Eckhart Tolle states: “When time stands still or to be free of time is to be free of the psychological need of past for your identity and future for fulfillment. When the compulsive striving away from the Now ceases, Joy flows into everything you do. The moment your attention turns to the now you feel a presence, a stillness, a peace.”

He calls this “The Joy of Being”.

“When you act out of present-moment awareness, whatever you do becomes imbued with a sense of quality, care, and love… even the most simple action”

Rev Kitty opened her message this past Sunday by saying, “Realize you are eternal Now”. Powerful words to put us in the moment. She also reminds us regularly to practice, practice, practice! So practice recognizing when you are in the moment, feeling that Joy of Being, when nothing else matters… even if it’s only for a few seconds, and maybe work up to a few minutes and eventually, whenever you choose…

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