The Blessing Circle of Thanksgiving

With the arrival of Thanksgiving this week, it’s traditional to be thinking about what we’re grateful for. When my parents were alive and hosted the holiday dinner, we always took time to go around the table and share something that we were grateful for. Sometimes we had as many as 25 family members gathered, including my ten nieces and nephews who had grown into their teens and twenties, some even married or with kids of their own. Most mentioned being grateful for their family and the great spread that was laid out before us. As we went around the circle of the table, the more we shared our appreciation, the more we felt our hearts open. And when we’d come full circle, we were truly feeling the power that gratitude had to soften the hard spots, lighten the darkness, and inspire a desire to give and give again.

That is the nature of thanksgiving. We live in a circulating Universe, designed to return to us what we appreciate. So as you turn your thoughts to the meaning of Thanksgiving, I encourage you to make time to meditate on the good that Spirit has blessed you with this year. Give thanks for the smiles, the physical support, the patient listeners, the material gifts, the kind gestures, the friendships, the solutions, the ideas, the healings, and the love that you’ve received. While you’re feeling grateful for these gifts, remember that you wouldn’t have received them unless you too had given them away. So enjoy the blessing circle of Thanksgiving this year and keep God’s good flowing in the world. And while you’re at it, know that I am so deeply grateful for YOU! To hear more about the power of gratitude, I hope you’ll join me on Thanksgiving Eve for our livestreamed service this Wednesday at 7pm. Just visit to connect to the livestream. Read more about it in the article that follows.

With love,

Rev. Kitty

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