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Living in the Possibility

As we move along through our daily lives, what defines for us the “reality” we face?  How do we approach where we are on our path and begin to generate ideas about where we are going next?  As we contemplate the conditions of our life, we will naturally ponder a response/plan of action.  Let’s focus on the nature of that response and dwell in the power we hold by responding in a thoughtful way.  It is that thoughtful response that will define the “reality” we will experience going forward.  While we never want to be “in denial” of conditions, oblivious to our own physical and/or emotional state, let’s also know that our inner beliefs led us here and can lead us out.  Thoughtfully responding to a condition can reset the mental mold that led to the condition and thereby lead us to a new physical reality.  We get to actively utilize the creative power that is ours as Christ beings by consciously applying principle.   “Change our thinking, change our lives” to quote Ernest Holmes, the author of Science of Mind.

Once we embrace our oneness with God and therefore our own Christ nature, we can expand our scope of life’s possibilities.  Rev. Kitty has been talking about the Five Principles for the last few weeks.  Read and absorb these ideas.  Further, as we spend time in the silence, awareness of our oneness with God expands and we move closer to the frequency that Jesus exhibited during his time on earth.  Practice, practice, practice!!!  Center in God.  Pray/affirm that which you want.  Feel gratitude knowing that the Love/Wisdom/Power of God is within you to direct and Divine Law only says “YES” and manifests.  So take charge of what is embedded in your subjective by feeding it new ideas to embody and displacing limited beliefs.  Then you will be “Living in the Possibility!!”

Jeff Benoit, Board Member

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A Walk in the Physical

NEW CLASS – “A WALK IN THE PHYSICAL” – Tues 6:30pm (CT) Apr 23 – May 14 – ONLINE. Join Rev. Kitty for this 4-week