Susan Snowden – Uncertain Normal

As a math term, “normal” is often in relation to that bell-shaped curve. Even when we use it in common vernacular, it is generally the same idea. “Normal” is what happens most often. The tails (out to each side) of the curve are the rare cases, the extremes. We hit this pandemic and began talking about the “new normal” and “getting back to normal” and “normal won’t look the same” and back to “new normal” after things open again. Then we got a taste of our “old” normal with George Floyd being killed. The many protests and a few riots are what we expect when this happens. We don’t like killings. We don’t like injustice. We want change.  

Wait, change, not normal? We have the president we do because people were screaming against “politics as normal” on both sides. I have heard it suggested that, like this current political state, the worldwide pandemic just might be the result of our collective consciousness crying for change. The collective consciousness is creating along with our individual consciousness. Driven by fear and error thought, it showed up along those lines. We may not like how it manifested, but we certainly got change. Ah, but there is another word we like – “certain”. 

Do we want normal anymore? Is normal a comfortable rut? Uncertainty is uncomfortable. We don’t like it. We like routine, habit and being able to not think too hard about most of our day. It’s okay. Do not feel guilty. We are wired that way. Habits have served mankind well. Having certain things on autopilot helps us pay attention to moving grass that might be the tiger waiting to pounce. Oh, wait, for most of us there are no literal tigers anymore. Well the figurative ones will do. We must think about something after all. So, let’s think about what we want “normal” to look like for us and for the world. In the meantime, embrace those uncomfortable situations and feelings. As Kitty said on Sunday, “be present”. Be present to the ways staying at home has refined what you value. Be present to how you feel. Be present to change. Are we moving in a direction we want? Let’s drive instead of being unconscious passengers. Then we can be okay whether things are uncertain or normal. 

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