Rev. Kitty Benson – A Thanksgiving Message

Kitty Benson Laughing min
Rev. Kitty Benson

Some of us have already started preparing for Thursday…we’ve made the shopping list, or even been to the store, grateful to find that last can of crushed pineapple on the shelf (the one thing that I’m always looking for and never can find.) We might even be getting a head start on the pies or ironing the table linens.  I’m excited this year to have my mom come up to join me for dinner in my new home, so my list includes getting her room ready and picking out holiday movies she might want to watch.

I’m also excited to have her join me at Unity’s annual Thanksgiving Eve Service.  This is a time when we come together before all the busyness, excitement, or even stress of Thursday, and remind ourselves of the reason for the holiday. We lower the lights, put flame to candle, enjoy peaceful music, and meditate through prayer and message about the good that we’ve experienced this year. More importantly, we meditate on the Source of our good. For in truth, there is really only one thing to be grateful for…the one Presence and Power of this Universe and our lives…the all-loving goodness of God. For every ‘thing’ we identify that has brought us joy, comfort, or peace this year, we remember its infinite Source is God. And it is our thanksgiving for the Giver, rather than the gifts, that opens our hearts to the unlimited potential yet to be revealed.

I hope you’ll join me for Unity’s Thanksgiving Eve Service, this Wed. Nov. 21 at 7pm, and take a thankful breath before the joyful chaos of the holidays begin. Consider family and friends who may benefit from this peaceful and uplifting experience and invite them to join you for this interfaith-friendly service.

I wish you a meaningful Thanksgiving holiday, with all the trimmings of Divine Love and Peace. I am so grateful for you!

Rev. Kitty

(To join us by LIVESTREAM for this Thanksgiving Eve Service, go to and be sure to create an account to login. See you there!)

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