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She’s Back!

Yes, she is!   Our beloved Kim-Char has returned to the stage, singing, smiling, playing her guitar…. She was greeted with applause and love.  When I was out in the front room at the beginning of the service and heard applause, I automatically knew the applause was for Kim-Char.  I was sitting in the second row and I could see her clearly throughout her performance.  She was glowing, smiling, winking, making eye contact, and obviously so glad to be back where she belongs.  As Kitty said, K-C thinks she lives in a different part of Naperville, but her home is right here at Unity in Naperville.  

We have missed her these past few months as she was embarking on her health path, which she approached bravely and with spirit, holding the attitude of healing and that God is in her and with her throughout.  From her first song, the lyrics are so fitting. 

 “This very day, this very hour, I claim my good, I say YES to the power. Within me, this very second, I pay attention to the Inner voice that beckons me.  I say YES!! A thousand times YES,  a million times YES, a billion times YES.  May I always say YES to the inner voice that beckons, the inner voice that beckons me.” 

 She has been practicing and living this through her health journey, saying it, believing it, living it, no matter what challenges came up for her.  Because of that and the excellent, supportive health care she received, the support from her family, and friends, and I am including the many Unity friends who helped when there was a need, she made it through so she could be with us today and for many tomorrows.  

And I for one, am grateful to have her back.  I suspect I speak for others, too.  But, hey, why don’t you tell her yourself?  She’d love that, and I know she felt the love today.

Welcome back, Kim – Char.  We love you.

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A Walk in the Physical

NEW CLASS – “A WALK IN THE PHYSICAL” – Tues 6:30pm (CT) Apr 23 – May 14 – ONLINE. Join Rev. Kitty for this 4-week