My grandkids are out of school for the summer. On the last day, my son and his wife threw a popsicle party for the neighborhood kids and other school friends and parents. There were so many people! What I saw that day gave me so much hope for the future. In that gathering there were kids, parents, and grandparents from India, China, Egypt, Lithuania, Philippines, Brazil, a Hispanic family and, those of us who are Caucasian. Religions included Muslin, Catholic, Hindi, non-believers and there was a family that practices paganism. There was a 11 year old boy that had told my grandson previously that he likes boys and it wasn’t unusual to see him running around in makeup and butterfly wings (he is adorable). Everyone mingled and got along and had such a wonderful time.
When I think about what we see on the news and the rancor between our political parties, the awful rage that leads people to harm other people, the discrimination and on and on, I can easily see that that is not the truth of our society. The popsicle party was a microcosm of our country and the world. So, I know now, more than ever, that there is much more good in the world than bad. And when the kids from today grow up and become leaders, they will change this country and the world in positive ways we can’t even imagine now. And, until then, there is still so much good that drowns out the bad. And, as we know in Unity: everything is unfolding in divine right order and there is only one source and that source is love. It was right there at the popsicle party.