
Friday evening, I was a little down. Sunday I was wound up. I was doing multiple jobs and instead of it stressing me, I was bouncing. Some days, I stress and just want to hibernate. It isn’t always easy to get there, but how I am thinking makes all the difference. We know from our Unity principles that our thoughts govern our being and doing. From the Saturday Daily Word: “Discouragement visits everyone from time to time. I do not chastise myself for occasional bouts of disappointment or doubt, but I commit to rise above them and feel confident in my eventual success.” Another one that was given to me Saturday while watching a Clutterbug YouTube, paraphrasing the host, Cas: You don’t have to fake happiness, but you also don’t have to wallow in those negative feelings; you can feel them and then move forward.

Some days I feel sad. Some days I feel overwhelmed. Some days are great. Some are so-so. All days, I can feel what I feel, and try to recognize the thoughts behind that. On down days, I have different work to do than on good ones. Maybe not right that minute, but I eventually acknowledge that I will move on. Journaling, talking to a friend, setting a timer that in 30 minutes I will move physically even if it is just to get a drink of water. Physical movement and a change in scenery can help. Whatever it takes to get going again, I will keep trying, “…confident in my eventual success.” Sometimes I just have to change my perspective.

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