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When it Feels Good

Have you noticed that Rev. Kitty is constantly reminding us to practice Spirituality every day, every day, every… day… to have a favorite affirmation “in our back pocket” or to meditate and spend time in the silence whenever we can? She is helping us to change our subconscious.

But why?

Our subconscious is filled up with every experience and thought we’ve ever had. From our first caregivers and mentors on, we naturally (humanly) react and make choices from this place. Have you ever caught yourself hollering at other cars in traffic or being short with a sibling? So, how do we change our subconscious and react more from the higher vibrations of Love and Gratitude? Dr. Wayne Dyer addressed this challenge by suggesting we visualize a zipper around our head. Now unzip and open up your head and pour out some old thoughts to make room for new ones, eventually creating a new subconscious. New growth!

This is where Rev. Kitty’s messages and tools help. She often reminds us that we need to be “open and allow”. I don’t immediately relate to every Sunday message, but I have learned from practice that if I “sit” with it for some time, without judgment, I open and allow the message to sink in and it feels good. It feels right. Did you ever paint a room in your house and immediately not like the color but then, after a few days, it seemed to grow on you? Opening and Allowing is slowly working in my life as I now more often find myself reacting to situations and people without judgment in a calmer, more sensitive way. Someone asked me the other day how I know when it’s Spirit affecting my thoughts and choices. The answer is surprisingly simple…..when it feels good. Reverend Kitty’s responsibility is to give us the tools we need, it’s our responsibility to use them.

Much Love, Steve Landrey

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A Walk in the Physical

NEW CLASS – “A WALK IN THE PHYSICAL” – Tues 6:30pm (CT) Apr 23 – May 14 – ONLINE. Join Rev. Kitty for this 4-week