Peace is the Way

How wonderful it was to hear from Sharon Dziubski today at Unity in Naperville!

We are all tapped in, turned on, tuned in spiritual beings and hearing one of us speak their Truth directly from Spirit is so inspiring! We saw a direct answer to the question, “How do I tune in and respond from Spirit and not from Ego?”

Sharon used the soccer match as an example. A match between two countries who have known years of conflict and war and yet our men on the field could step aside from that and recognize each other as a brotherhood of gifted athletes and actually support each other on the field at a time of loss and grief. Young men who were able to step out of their circle of winning and victory and take the time to let the opposing team members know they are honored and respected. Way to go American soccer team! One might also relate this to the service by Rev. Kitty Benson that we should walk humbly. What a mighty example of being humble to take the time to comfort your opposing team friends who were so desolate in their loss of the game!

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid.”

~John 14:27

The Prayer of St Francis is very big in my life. I have a few different items of St. Francis around my home and the prayer is framed and hanging in two different locations for me to read and refresh and hopefully to follow every day.

My favorite line is: “O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console.” For me this line pretty much covers everything. Many times you hear that if someone is hurt or angry or lashing out it is coming from a place of pain within them. So, even tho someone might appear to be attacking me directly if you take a moment to step out of your Ego reaction in that situation and see the other as a brother or sister who is really crying out from a hurt place within… then seek to console rather than to console that Ego place within ourselves that truly can not be injured from the outside right?

To live in peace one has to seek the peace in all situations. The Course in Miracles says, “I could have peace instead of this.” That applies in ALL situations.

For there is only ONE power in the Universe and that is the ALL loving power and presence of the goodness of God. Let’s take the following Affirmation into our week: “May my heart and mind be established in the peace of God.” So it is!

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