Let’s Entangle the Perfect Life in Us


Rev. Kitty’s timely message series, “Perfect Life is in Me,” continues to lift and inspire me into new levels of consciousness, provided I “do the work.” As she pointed out, Jesus said, “My father is always working, and I too must work.” (John 5:17). Sometimes when I hear Rev. Kitty’s messages, I am so inspired that I feel I am up in the clouds in a new dimension. Alas! If I don’t “do the work,” I generally shift right back to my habitual unawakened state of consciousness.

What is the work? I believe it is to sit in silence and reflect on “that which I know to be true.”  I am often glad when it’s my turn to write this message to you, because it ensures that I will take the time to do a deeper dive into Rev. Kitty’s message, and in turn, whatever insights are meant to “entangle” for me will sink deeper into my subconscious.

A few points that really resonated with me included how important it is to shift focus first before I pray for myself or others. I loved when Rev. Kitty said she is careful who she asks to pray for her. I never thought of it that way, but it makes sense that if many of the people who are praying for me (including me) do so by holding fear, this fear has the potential to impact my well being.

Another concept that inspired me was her reference to the theory of entanglement in quantum physics. If I understand correctly, when particles bump up against other particles they are changed and often times when one changes from a distance the other does as well. I like to think that I am changed when in Rev. Kitty’s presence. Her awakened consciousness is bumping into mine, and I am changed! Enlightened! Awakened! Woke! And this is how prayer for others works as well. Our thoughts are particles and they bump into each other and change us. Let’s keep the change positive!

The first 3 steps of the seven she gave us, all focus on re-centering  and releasing negative emotions, thoughts, and beliefs before we proceed to pray. It’s almost like we are de-tangling from negativity and false beliefs. The last four steps involve centering (entangling) in on truth–the positive states of our true being–oneness, wholeness, perfect health, Perfect Life, God-in-us and gratitude for this Truth. 

Thank you, Rev. Kitty, for helping me remember who I am and who the world around me is. Now, let me apply this truth as I live in this physical world, and as I bump into non-truths, let me take time each day to de-tangle  by shifting, relaxing, releasing and then entangle by affirming truth, feeling and knowing and believing in my oneness and wholeness and thanking God for it being so. 

With Love, and Seeing the Perfect Life in myself and each of you,
Gina Donaldson
Board Member

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