Imagine – Gina Donalson

“The greatest gift you were ever given was the gift of your imagination. Within your magical inner realm is the capacity to have all of your wishes fulfilled. Here in your imagination lies the greatest power you will ever know. It is your domain for creating the life that you desire, and the best part of it is that you are the monarch with all of the inherent powers to rule your world as you desire.”—Wayne Dyer, Wishes Fulfilled: Mastering the Art of Manifesting.

This week in our “Wishes Fulfilled” class with Reverend Kitty we discussed Chapter 4  – Using your Imagination and Chapter 5 – Live from the End.

One of the main takeaways I had was how important it is to live from the inside out rather than the outside in. These days when we turn our senses outward, we are accosted with negativity, from the daily counts of new Covid-19 cases and deaths, to the economic disasters, healthcare shortages and restrictions, political divisiveness. It’s natural to respond with fear and worry when we interpret the virus and its impact with our human lens. But at the beginning of this year, before we knew anything about the virus, Reverend Kitty was encouraging us to see with a spiritual lens. We embarked on a quest for perfect spiritual 2020 vision.

Another concept in Dyer’s book is that each of us is the Gatekeeper for our own mind. Choose your thoughts well. Dyer said to imagine our thoughts on a conveyer belt and if a thought causes us to feel fear, worry, guilt simply put it back on the conveyer belt and choose one that feels joyful, empowering or loving. Monitor your thoughts and what you feed your mind. Have faith that you can have perfect spiritual 2020 vision.

Reverend Kitty is asking us to be essential Light Workers. To SEE health, abundance and joy! SPEAK it into existence. SET it free to become visible from the invisible.

I encourage each of us to live from the inside out. And to live from the end. See the end of the virus, see your wishes fulfilled, and live “as if”. You will see it when you believe it.

I wish you peace, love and joy during this quarantine. While we are inside, let’s use the time to go inside where we can find each of those states and soon they will spill out to the outside.

 “ Everything which you can conceive and accept is yours! Entertain no doubt. Refuse to accept worry or hurry or fear. That which knows and does everything is inside you and harkens to the slightest whisper.” –Uell Stanley Anderson.

May your peace, light, love and joy shine bright!

–Gina Donaldson, Board Member

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