I have heard the words “I am that I am” many times over through my years in churches throughout my life. Each time I am reminded of the importance of what you say after the words, “I am _______.” I always become very aware when I am using the words I am that what I say after them is positive and life-affirming. It is said that man is a temple and within man is the temple of the heart where you can find God. This part of you is in contact with the Divine being which transcends our everyday consciousness. When you connect your I am thoughts with qualities of the Divine you can manifest these qualities into your day-to-day life.
By saying “I am” you are announcing the presence of God within you. Whatever you attach to “I am” you become. Accept that you are inspired, loving, harmonious, peaceful, happy, and strong. The power of these words will resonate deep within you and bring those qualities to life.
On Sunday we meditated and went deep within to find our name, the word that we most aspire to become in this year. This year I felt called to the word humble. To be humble is to quiet the ego mind and see the world through eyes of gentleness and unconditional love. Then I saw the word Masterful. What a wonderful word. Through the meditation, the world Masterful took on a whole new meaning. Master – our Christ consciousness. Full – alive within and connected to the qualities of the master. So what if we put the two words together. Humbly masterful. My heart sang. And so it is.
To be humble is to so quiet the ego mind that your inner spirit can be felt and heard. The guidance that helps lead your steps comes from your heart space rather than your ever-plotting and planning mind. Steps into peace, servitude and grace. Our Christ consciousness can now be heard and our powers within can now come forth into the peaceful quiet created by the quieted ego mind.
Now put that together with the I am THAT.
My affirmation now can be: “ I AM Filled to the brim with the qualities and blessings the Master brings to me. I humbly and lovingly AM THAT.”
I’m hoping that your new name is as deep a blessing to you! Namaste, Carol Gadbaw
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