Hearing Truth to Living Truth

What does it take upon hearing a kernel of Truth for it to go so deeply in our soul that it takes root, it sprouts and it grows into the Truth of our very Being? I think that for Myrtle Fillmore it was a deep need to be given hope. She was in a very low place in her life, with children to provide for and she had a deep desire to find her way out. In Myrtle’s words the depth of the meaning of the thought that we are one with source, life is of God and we inherit from the divine and perfect Father, did not come upon her with a rush of instant healing. She claims that it was enough to keep her thinking above negation which allowed her to begin to truly believe she was indeed a child of God and that she truly was filled with the goodness that was of God. She began to feel differently, people began to see the difference and ask her what she was doing. She began to share and the lives of others around her began to change as well. When you go back to the work of Quimby you see the words Error Thinking repeated quite often.

When reading the works and letters of Myrtle Fillmore you see that she was training her mind, her heart and her very spirit to focus on the good that is God, the Joy that is God and the very loving foundation of substance that is provided for us in every day. Her new focus on the Good began to replace her previous focus on all that was wrong… the Error Thinking. This became her belief and her life and her Truth.

In my experience, the closest thing that has begun to have this impact on me are the words that you hear if you are familiar with Abraham-Hicks at the close of her sessions. She will say, “There is great love here for you.” In times of struggle and in times of stress, self-doubt, worry … a feeling that I am not doing “enough”…those words come through to me and now it creates a space in me where I can stop and breathe and look at myself from the outside in and truly see that I am in fact giving my all. I let myself feel some of that love that is pouring down on me and give myself a break. The demands in this life can seem relentless and we can be so hard on ourselves, but we are not here to stress and toil and squander our time in thoughts of self-reproach. We are here to find peace, harmony, love and most certainly to spread joy to others. In order to write this message, I turned to the book “Healing Letters” that I keep on my bookshelf. I had bought a used copy and as I opened it a typed card fell out. There are affirmations typed there.. I share two of them here:

“As an expression of God, I now let God’s infinite qualities shine through me in all I do. I am blessed with a sense of wholeness and harmony.”

“God’s perfect harmony is now expressed in my world. I release all sense of hardship and struggle, remembering that God is my gentle and loving teacher and that all is well.” 

Thank you God.

Hoping you have found that kernel of Truth that allows you to truly know there is great love for you here!

Peace and Blessings, Carol Gadbaw

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