Focus on God

Reverend Kitty has talked about being a Faithkeeper over the last few weeks. I have been thinking about how I present myself to the world outside of my family and my Unity friends. Most of you know I started a new job a couple months ago. I am not being inauthentic, but I am on my “best behavior.” I had been at my prior company for 17 years. Those co-workers knew me on good and bad days and accepted me as such. Some days it is hard not to let frustrations rule emotions and words. The saying is “in vino veritas,” but in times of strong negative emotion, we also often reveal some less-than-palatable thoughts and traits. Bad habits and behaviors can surge to the fore.

To aspire to that Faithkeeper role, where you recognize the crisis but can hold the Truth over it, is a very powerful idea –not just to be a better person at all times, but to lift others and hold that space for them would be wonderful. As Kitty has said, we have to start with ourselves. The first transformation is inside our own consciousness: staying in touch with the I AM consciousness. The bible says, “seek first the Kingdom”. I also recently read Emmet Fox’s Golden Key pamphlet from Unity. The solution to any problem, according to Fox, is to put your attention on God. Do not put attention on the problem; keep it only on God. This sounds like what a Faithkeeper is doing: holding the truth of I AM. Simple idea, but not necessarily easy to do. Still, I will keep trying.

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