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Down is Really Up!

This past Sunday, Kitty spoke at length about the meaning of Pentecost.  I am not here to tell you what she meant, but rather what I took away from what she said.  The feast of Pentecost traditionally celebrates the “descent” of the Holy Spirit into the hearts of men (and women).  However, if Holy Spirit is another way of describing indwelling God, then Holy Sprit needed not to descend at all.  It was and is always present.  Rather than Holy Spirit descending, is Pentecost not the realization of the indwelling God, a demonstration of the promise heralded by Jesus during his life on earth.  So in effect, God as Holy Spirit is not coming down, but rather human consciousness is going up in frequency to recognize the Divine Presence that was always there. 

So what is the lesson/challenge in celebrating Pentecost.  Of course, it is to realize the Christ promise.  Seek ye first…. and you know the rest.  So it’s about increasing our awareness.  Back in the days following Jesus death, perhaps there was a burst of spiritual awareness coming over people as a result of an opening created by such a profound occurrence as the crucifixion.  For us, we can wait for a similarly cataclysmic event to shake us into divine awareness, or we can each of us begin now to open the door through our own spiritual practices.  

Let there be no mistake.  We will become Christ-aware.  We will rise to our divine potential.  I submit that it is the very reason for the human experience.  The Oneness is.  It does not need our help to exist.  However, what will it take for us to embrace it and embody its promise.  We can do it sooner by being proactive in our pursuit or we can hang out and get it (the awareness) later through clarifying but often painful events designed to jar us ahead.  I once had a minister who often reminded us of this.  She used to say, “If love doesn’t bring you, sorrow will send you.”  Please consider this?

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