I’d like to reflect a bit on Rev Kitty’s discussion of prayer on Sunday.
She elicited, and was provided from the congregation, many definitions of what prayer is. People said that prayer is talking to God, it is meditation, it is connecting to the spirit within, and it is asking God to remind us of who we are. Unity’s own website states that affirmative prayer reflects the certainty that we are each being led to our highest good, despite any temporary appearances.
I am grateful to Unity for teaching me the affirmative form of prayer. It helped me immensely over the past year, in many personal situations in my family, to see each person on their true and right path, and each situation as a stepping stone to our highest good. And I prayed with and for them in that light.
Turning this all around to you, I would ask that you each connect with your spirit within, and ask God to remind you of what Unity in Naperville means to you; be grateful for its presence in your life, and meditate on what Unity in Naperville is and should become. As we begin a long journey to identify our future path, perhaps here or in a new church home, I ask for everyone’s thoughtful reflection, and positive prayer towards what our church can and will be five or ten years from now.
We will be asking for your thoughts at our Town Hall Meeting on November 4th. And, if you are so moved, please drop me a note (essnet05@yahoo.com) to join us on the Building Task Force to further explore our options for alternative church locations.
I look forward to hearing from you!
Beth Schwartz
Unity Board President