iPhones and other Apple device users:  If the “Make a Donation” button takes you to a “Misdirect” page, please close that tab and try button again. You may need to try this a few times. If unsuccessful, please try this link. Apologies for the inconvenience as we work to resolve this issue!

Cool Stuff Happening Now!!!

BUILDING TASK FORCE The board took a brief preliminary survey at the Divine Discovery last fall regarding renewing the 5-year extension of our lease or alternatively looking for a new church home. At this point, no decisions have been made one way or the other. However timelines are running short to make that decision. Therefore, the board would like to convene an exploratory task force in order to look at the options. If you have any talents around the real estate, and preferably the commercial real estate field, please contact Beth essnet05@yahoo.com.  We are looking forward to exploring what the universe may have in store for our congregation!


THE COMMUNITY CARE TEAM NEEDS YOUR HELP! Jan, who lives in Crest Hill, needs a ride to the 10:30am service every Sunday in October and November. Her husband, Al, will drive her home. A donation will be made to Unity for each ride given. Also, can you help one of our moms by filling a paid position as afternoon buddy to her son? Please sign-up on the schedule in the Front Room for the week you are available to help. Contact Carolyn Patterson for more info at (248) 885-4373 or cjpat0616@gmail.com


THANK YOU FOR OUR SIGN! If you’ve been around Unity long enough, you’ve probably seen our building
sign go up…and come down…and disappear for a couple of years. During the “lost years” your Unity Board of Trustees was negotiating with our landlord at the time to either re-hang it or install a new lawn sign closer to the
street.  It seems that between the City of Naperville and landlord restrictions, a lawn sign became unworkable for us…and so now with the advent of a third landlord…our sign has been framed (Thank You Pete Pitterle!) and re-hung.  In one Sunday, we invited you to donate the $700 needed to install it and it was given…Boom!  THANK YOU ALL so much for your generous gifts to make Unity visible to the neighbors and traffic around us.  We know this will peak their interest and encourage them to learn more about us, until one day they won’t be able to help but join us on this positive path for spiritual living.


Healing Meditation CD – “Perfect Life Is In Me” 14:00 minutes – with Rev. Kitty Whether you are struggling with weakness in your body or simply want to affirm your natural state of well-being, this new guided meditation CD from Rev. Kitty will re-Mind you of the spiritual idea of Life that dwells within every physical cell. That which we appreciate expands. Each time you devote a few minutes to this experience of sacred communion with Divine Life, you create a stronger alignment between body, mind and Spirit. Open your heart and rest in the knowing…you are a radiant being of Light and perfect Life is in you now!  $10 – Available at the Info Table on Sundays or coming soon as a digital download. Visit our website and watch for availability at UnityInNaperville.org.


UNITY CHOIR. Sign-up now for info on the Unity Choir as it reconvenes for fall and winter music making and merriment!  Sign-up sheet in the front room or email Kim-Char at Kim-Char@outlook.com.

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A Walk in the Physical

NEW CLASS – “A WALK IN THE PHYSICAL” – Tues 6:30pm (CT) Apr 23 – May 14 – ONLINE. Join Rev. Kitty for this 4-week