A Message Rev. Kitty Benson, and Calendar Update

Hello Dear Unity Friends…thank you for allowing me the past two weeks away.  I’m so grateful for the time to be still, spend time in nature and catch up on some sleep! I also had a few days to be with my mom which I was thankful for. And I so appreciate our stellar Sunday team for bringing such an uplifting experience, including the messages from Rev’s Mary Beth and Michael Speer. I’m looking forward to being back with you at Unity this Sunday and will share a little bit about my time off with you.

I also wanted to be sure you got the news that we’ve decided to postpone our re-opening.  We will NOT be holding onsite Services in August as we were hoping.  At our Board meeting this month, we reviewed your surveys and also took a look at the rising statistics of new COVID-19 cases in IL and felt it would be best to delay reopening a bit longer.  I’ve been talking online with many other Unity ministers in the country and we are not alone. Many have decided not to rush this process, especially when it may mean that once open, we may need to close again.  Many others are mindful of all the safety criteria we would have to honor in order to be together and feel that the essence of community would be lost, so don’t really see the point.  Your survey results were very mixed…out of about 70 responses, less than 30 were ready to come back in August and most others sited “safety” as their reason for delay. I understand for those who are raring to go that this is not what you want to hear, but I’ll ask you to join me as Essential Light Workers and hold the vision for the day when our divine potential for life, strength and wholeness is being revealed throughout our community and we are free to come together without restrictions.

Let me close by offering a description of “The Superbeings” as described in John Randolph Price’s book by the same name. “I was never born and will never die. I am immortal. It is impossible for me to suffer illness in any form, and I have never experienced any kind of an accident. I am as rich as any person who ever lived, I am totally successful in all my undertakings, I live a perfect life. I am continuously overflowing with love, joy and peace. Of course, this is the Truth about all people. What is true of one is true of all, when you consider the Reality of each individual. I am you and you are me and all is one. All is ‘I’ – I AM.” While your ego may disagree, know that these words describe your spirit perfectly. The question is…which identity would you like to attach your “I AM” to?  Our healing begins within as we focus on that eternal, internal flame of Divine Life. Let’s keep our eye on the Light. Looking forward to seeing you on the livestream this Sunday at 10:45 am!  Join us through UnityInNaperville.org or on our Facebook page. Questions? Email RevKitty@unityinnaperville.org.

With much love, Kitty

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