You Are the Future of Unity

Though your ear may not be tuned into what’s happening in church around the country, there is great discussion amongst ministers about what it will look like as this pandemic comes to an end. Personally, I am quite excited to begin work with our new Board as we envision that very thing. We will not be using a crystal ball, but we will be drawing on both our divine feminine and masculine energies (listen to Mother’s Day service for background on that) to inspire and provide all that we need for our future. And of course, the Board will not be doing this alone. 

Unity has always been a spiritual community made up of a growing number of unique individuals, each contributing to Unity in their own special way. As a matter of fact, over 150 people consider our Unity community to be their spiritual home, so much so that they have chosen to become members. They have committed time for their own personal spiritual growth, and to support their Unity family through gifts of time, talent, and resources. They seek to build a consciousness of God as their only source while seeing God‘s goodness in all people. 

I am humbled and grateful to be serving this spiritual community made up of such loving and giving hearts. I look to the future of Unity in Naperville with joyful anticipation, knowing that we will continue to thrive in new and exciting ways! If you are interested in learning more about Unity and how our members play a role, I hope you will join me this Saturday for our semi-annual membership class. We’ll meet online through Zoom on May 15 from 930a-1230p. Visit, MEMBER CLASS Channel, then the Zoom link. It would help me to know that you are coming, but not required for attendance. To sign up, or if you have questions, email And whether you choose membership or not, I look forward to working beside you as we explore new ways to live and share Unity‘s positive spiritual message.

Much love,

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