Wait For It…

When I am confident that Spirit is making a way for something, yet I am unsure of the details and how or when it might appear, I speak with a heart already filled with gratitude, “Thank you… I wonder what it’s gonna look like?” And then – I wait.

This is a story about expectantly waiting: In 2019, Unity in Naperville hosted a monthly SpiritRise Songwriting Workshop; those creative souls who gathered gave birth to 12 incredible songs!  Then, those 12 amazing songs gave birth to an idea for a 2020 fundraiser featuring a CD and Book containing artwork submitted by even more folks in our congregation. Alas, when Covid hit in early 2020, the cd/book project came to a halt, as we could not have people together in the studio to record. So, we waited.

With patient hearts and open minds, we sat with the songs, the art, the intention… and what is emerging is something unexpected yet wonderful, and even greater than I first imagined – say hello to the 12 Powers Club! It is our original intention ON STEROIDS…
What does it look like? The 12 Powers Club is a website providing six+ months of inspiring content and interactive community. Our ‘virtual doors’ open July 1, and featured content includes the 12 songs that we all wrote (with guest vocalists like Summer Osborne, Megon McDonough, Jana Stanfield, and Bob Sima, and more). Stay with me, cause there is even more: On the website, you’ll find “Power-full Prayer” with our own Prayer Chaplains Carol Gadbaw and Sharon Dziubski), a “Powers Book Nook” (with Rev. Mary Beth Speer), a “Kids Korner” with Miss Jenna (DiSandro), study materials, and art. Oh, and of course 

12 Powers Club power up 01

The 12 Powers Club Podcast (yup, part of the Club offerings) with our own Rev. Kitty and other incredible teachers!

I am grateful because good things, indeed, come to those who wait! But now, we wait no more! Won’t you join us in this joyful expression of Spirit moving through us at Unity in Naperville? There is Early Bird pricing happening and you can be a member of the 12 Powers Club for just a one-time payment of $60 – and $30 goes right back to Unity in Naperville! Join now at 12PowersClub.com
Hugs, Kim-Char Meredith

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Positivity – Todd Dietz

“…the 12 Powers Project that was mentioned again during the service announcements today. I am looking forward to tuning into my creative side and seeing what type of artwork I can create…”