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“Nothing is Here to Hold Me Back Unless I Say it Can!”
This was an inspiring “nugget” that I wrote down from Sundays message. Rev. Kitty’s message was on how we are all creators of our lives. Some may resist the idea of being “a creative person”, but no matter if you’re an artist or an accountant, you are creating your life with your thoughts and beliefs. I have always thought of myself as a creative person, but not until Unity did I begin to realize the power behind that belief. I can’t remember how old I was when I decided to write children’s books. This was before the internet was available for research, so I started to read famous Caldecott Medal winning children’s books. I also read books written on the topic of writing children’s books which all said it is virtually impossible to get published because there are so many children’s book authors with great ideas, and you can’t do this or that… blah blah. My excitement died very quickly, and I decided it would be too difficult, so I moved onto something else, and then to something else…I wasn’t awake to what was happening. I was putting barriers in my way for each of my many of my ideas. My ego told me in various ways that it wouldn’t work, and I listened. It’s been at least 20 years since that time and thank goodness I found Unity in Naperville.
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I am learning that external validation like receiving a Caldecott Medal is not what I crave, but rather the process of creating something that wasn’t there before, both outwardly and in my beliefs, this is what I crave. This is what gives me satisfaction now. So I wrote a rough draft of my children’s book in December 2017. The process was interesting to say the least. (Lots of “help” from my ego – ha ha!) Over the summer, as I put my attention on revisions, an email came through from Hay House Publishing offering a free online class series called: “Insider Tips for Becoming a Published Author”. The video series encouraged everyone who has a story to tell –tell it. It was inspiring, fun to watch, and timely. My enthusiasm for this project feels different this time as I continue to revise my story. The critical voice isn’t as loud, I’m not concerned with awards or how competitive the publishing industry can be. I’m just writing a story I’m meant to write because nothing is here to hold me back unless I say it can. Peace, Liz Allroth – Board of Trustees
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