Unity’s Camp Fire – Igniting Consciousness

FRIDAY Evenings in August, 7 – 8 p.m.

Feeling cooped up and want to do something fun with your friends?  How about going along with us on a flashback trip to Summer Camp?!  We are providing four weeks of camp-themed online fun for you to choose from, or even better, join us for ALL of them!  We will gather around our virtual campfire each week, with a theme for each gathering: 

  • AUG 7: Sing-Along (sing to our Unity favorites and more with Kevin Conlin)
  • AUG 14: Storytelling (light your imagination up or read something meaningful to you)
  • AUG 21: Crafts (coloring, origami, and learn with our Crafters)
  • AUG 28: Talent Show (Open mic – lookout!  This could be interesting!)

We will provide additional details regarding each program during the week prior, in the e-news, announcements, and at UnityCommunityConnect.com.

Click THIS link to go directly to the Camp Fire Channel. If it is your first time to the channel, click the JOIN button (lower right); this will add the Camp Fire Channel to your personal UnityCommunityConnect.com menu.  If it is your first time using Unity Community Connect, you’ll start by creating an account (30 secs, easy peasy, promise!)

Go ahead, slather on some bug spray and sunscreen, fire up your internet, and bring on the S’mores!  Enjoy some good, old-fashioned camaraderie once again!

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