Todd Dietz – The Power of Our Word

Rev. Kitty’s messages have really been hitting home for me over the past several weeks: “Spiritual Supply and Demand,” and now, “Perfect Life is in Me.” 

Many years ago, I heard the phrase, “You source your own experience,” meaning, your words and thoughts will drive your human experience. That really resonated with me, and over the years I have experienced the truth of that in my own life. Myrtle and Charles Fillmore are great examples of how positive messaging and prayer can have significant impact in our lives. Myrtle, being cured from tuberculosis and malaria, followed by Charles overcoming a leg injury by praying on the Truth, “I am a child of God, and therefore I do not inherit sickness.”

In Rev. Kitty’s message this Sunday, she reviewed that Jesus told us, “A man is not defiled by what enters his mouth, but by what comes out of it.” (Matt 15:11) That is a powerful message! As the parent of a high school teen who is navigating those tough teen years, I encourage him to hear that message and embrace this concept and truth, that our thoughts and words will create the reality we experience. If we are intentional with those words and thoughts, our experiences will be that which we desire.

I think that creating a list of the things in our lives we are grateful for is a great place to start when identifying where the positive thoughts and words we use can come from. I know that for myself, I am grateful for Unity in Naperville, Rev. Kitty, and the great energy and fellowship of our congregation.


Todd Dietz, Board Member

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