Todd Dietz – My Key to Freedom

Hello Unity Family, I found the excerpt below on the Daily Word website a few days ago and it really resonated with me. In addition to the Covid “stuff” that we are all learning to deal with now, I was informed recently that my company has filed for chapter-11 bankruptcy, again. Believe it or not this is the third time in the 22 years I’ve worked there. At any rate, with these significant things occurring, that I have no control over, I began to feel a bit unsettled and anxious about the future. I mean I have a high school senior about to head off to college, this is no time to lose a job! But then, I saw the excerpt below and it reminded me that all things are happening for my greatest good. I can do things like updating my resume, to put myself in the best position for the future, but I can find freedom in knowing that whatever the future holds, it will be okay, and in line with my greatest good…and that is a freeing feeling.


My freedom doesn’t lie in creating a perfect set of circumstances that allow me to feel unencumbered. Instead, my unconditional acceptance of situations just as they are keeps me feeling free throughout all the seasons of my life.

Even though I may choose to work toward desired changes, I no longer need to have them happen in a certain way or according to my timetable to feel good about myself.

I let go of the demand that outer conditions satisfy my personal desires, and I begin to feel unconditional freedom in my heart. I become flexible as I navigate my life’s shifting rhythms with grace and ease. Accepting and embracing this now moment, just as it is, is my gateway to lasting freedom.

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