The Swirling Leaves of Change and Some Questions to Help You Remain Aligned During These Seemingly Uncertain Times.

A New Message Series on Change…

I began a new message series this past Sunday on “The Swirling Leaves of Change.” With all that’s been happening in our world you may be feeling like the autumn leaves we see all around us…swirling, untethered. The trees are used to this annual experience. But it’s not as easy for human beings to face this barrage of change and simply go with the flow. I wish I could tell you that ‘getting back to normal’ was right around the corner. But I don’t really see ourselves returning to normal. And that in itself can be disconcerting. 

“Before we even call, God has answered.”

What I do see is a time of mystery. We have lots of unanswered questions on our plate right now. And though I know “before we even call, God has answered,” there may be some time of waiting until our collective consciousness calls it forth. Charles Eisenstein calls it “The space between stories.”  Do not see this as wasted time, for just like the earth is preparing to rest in stillness in order to be reborn into new life, you and I may use this time of unknowing to rest and listen. Start by downloading the list of questions I posted at in the “Livestream Chat” channel from Sunday’s message. See which question peaks your interest and take it into the silence as you turn your thoughts toward God.  As you ask, it will be given.

Change is always our opportunity for growth. And this is no small shift that we have called before us. The question is, will you engage? 

Join me on Sundays these next few weeks as we continue to explore not only what these changes are asking of us, but also how we may meet them from our highest divine potential. Let’s remind ourselves of our Sunday affirmation… “I would not be here at this moment if I were not ready for it. What a fantastic time to be alive!”

With peace and love,

“I would not be here at this moment if I were not ready for it. What a fantastic time to be alive!”

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Out of the Blue

Those of us who have the honor of serving on Unity in Naperville’s Board of Trustees take turns writing a weekly message, and today, it’s mine to do.