Tap and Treat with Dr. Janine Burns

MON AUG 24 7:00-8:30 p.m.

“Tapping” is a technique combining mind-body medicine and acupressure techniques that is scientifically proven to reduce sleeping problems, anxiety/stress, fatigue, headaches and depression as well as alleviate PTSD. Studies prove those who practiced meditation and Tapping once a day for one week reduced their levels of Cortisol, the primary stress hormone, by thirty-seven percent. The levels of Serotonin and Dopamine, the happy hormones, increased significantly. Some have been hesitant to try Tapping, also known as Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) finding it unappealing because of its repetitious use of negative statements. Tap and Treat employs positive statements promoting a deeper spirituality.  Participants will learn the location of the basic Tapping Points and a simple technique they can employ daily to reduce stress. You will literally have at your fingertips a method to help you live your life to the fullest and experience emotional healing and spiritual nourishment. Suggested Love Offering $10.  Register here

Dr. Janine H. Burns is passionate about helping you shed limiting beliefs and live from the realm of possibilities. She holds a Doctorate of Divinity degree from Emerson Theological Institute and has served as their liaison for over 25 years. She loves to teach and inspire using affirmative jingles and often writes them to go along with the subject of her talks on Practical Spirituality. She has compiled some of her jingles into a CD called: Tunes For Transformation, which was endorsed by Dr. Deepak Chopra.

As an ordained minister for over 30 years, Rev. Janine is affectionately known as “Rev” to many of her students. She loves boating and is the Captain of a 30 – foot power boat. She is a certified Vessel Safety Examiner who teaches Boating Safety seminars

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