I have been working from home for the past month. I work harder and more focused at home because nobody interrupts me. Also, there is no walking time from my office to meetings, so I just stay in front of the computer going full bore. As this situation has continued, I have found this to be exhausting. So, I started taking a break of 45-minute walks at lunch. I typically walked without listening to anything, just enjoyed a walking meditation, but began to crave listening to anything of a spiritual nature. I have been listening to podcasts, You Tube posts and audio books. I am actually on my second time through Wishes Fulfilled by Wayne Dyer, and I have been listening to recordings by Suzanne Giesemann (a channel of a group called Sanaya) and many others. I am also listening while completing my yard work and before I go to sleep.
I have found it interesting that I am on such a drive to hear any and all perspectives of that which is beyond the 5 senses. I have always trusted my path and never doubted any of my choices, as I learned early in my life to trust my heart over my head. I have lived through the ‘dark night of the soul,’ coming through the other side having let go of fear. So why am I driven to consume as much spiritual content as I possibly can now? I have a theory…it’s just a theory.
If we agree,
· We are all one and all connected AND
· There is a lot of fear of the current situation and fear of the unknown floating in the ether
Am I helping to balance the energy by saturating my mind, soul, energy with all this to keep my vibration at a higher frequency? Is there so much fear and unknown that has filled the global consciousness that I am drawn to all things spiritual to keep from getting sucked into the fear? Is this self-preservation or just my part in maintaining the balance of the yin and yang?
I am not sure of the answer, but I am putting this out to you my friends at Unity, as food for thought about our individual response to this Pandemic. What is our role in this situation? Are we all helping to maintain the balance by staying in the vibration of Love, Joy and Hope and maybe even creating a field of healing energy helping our world through this historic time? Hmmmm…thoughts?

Kitty Benson
Notice from Rev. Kitty
AN UPDATE FROM REV. KITTY November 18, 2024 Hi Beloved Friends… If you attended the Sunday Service on Nov 17 you saw that although I