Suzanne Case – Full Circle

Full Circle  – The Continuing Story from Vision Board to Reality

Suzanne Case,  End of January 2020 – Creating Vision Boards on a Saturday  

In January 2020, I attended Unity’s Vision Board event and brought the one I had created in 2019.  The original vision board displayed several images and words relating to retirement, including a photo of a bird’s nest with rolls of money in the shape of eggs. To this 2019 board, I added environmental and travel pictures, denoting my wish to spend more time in nature.  

February 9, 2020 – Rev. Kitty’s Sermon on Envisioning our Desires

I presented my vision board to the congregation during Sunday Service and Rev. Kitty asked several questions about it. I shared about retiring this year and being able to see that retirement plan with clarity and feeling financially secure in retirement.

February 14, 2020 – Layoff on Valentine’s Day 

I am (or more appropriately, was) the Director of Technical Services in Research & Development for a Sports Nutrition Company. The company was in the midst of downsizing and all the directors knew one of us would be part of that process. On Valentine’s Day this year, I found out I was that director.  I was to receive a nice severance AND a 10% retention bonus if I stayed through the end of August to help with the transition to a new director for my team. So, there I was with a job through the end of the summer, severance, vacation payout AND a bonus for working through August.  Wow! This is even better than my vision board. I previously was having difficulty trying to figure out how to pull the trigger on retiring. They pulled the trigger for me, plus paid me to leave!!! Spirit made it easy for me.   

August 28, 2020 – Last Day of Work

Approaching this day, I received many cards with kind words about how I impacted the individuals with whom I worked. Friday resulted in a couple of socially distanced get-togethers, where kind words were shared, and gifts were given to me. My heart is full, and I am so grateful. The only downside of the day was that I could not hug anyone.   

What’s Next? – Downsizing and Travel

I am now in the next phase of planning. Starting to declutter, downsize and think about living in an RV for a couple of years visiting the National Parks and hanging out on the trails. My hope is to have this from Vision to Reality sometime in 2021.   You may be wondering why I am again sharing this story. It is my prayer that you see that this can be you. You are the creator of your own experience and your thoughts become your reality. Creating a visual of your desire is certainly an aid to help you have the life to which you aspire.   

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