Susan Snowden – “Imagination, Feelings, Repeat”

I have been taking the Wishes Fulfilled class. Tuesday night we talked about the feeling part of the manifesting process. Dyer tells how we need to have the feeling of having our wishes fulfilled in order for them to be fulfilled. In Hicks’ Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent there is a similar idea, “Your goal, in this process, is to conjure up images that cause you to offer a vibration that allows your desire… your goal is to find the feeling-place of what it would be like to have your desire rather than finding the feeling-place of what it is like to not have it.” Reverend Kitty talked about the feeling part of the process the Sunday before Mother’s Day as well.

This lesson is everywhere for me right now. I know I have called all the different forms of this lesson to me. It keeps coming up even in less spiritual material. I am still working on the execution of getting to the feeling. I find it much easier to do the thinking part. To get to the feelings and really, fully imagine something new, we have to get to a place where we can at least temporarily shut off the 5 senses version of the world. Dyer refers to that outside input as the process of employing objective attention. When our main way of staying in touch with each other is also the way news (good or bad) gets to us, it is hard to keep the selection under control sometimes. The main thing I have learned from the various sources that cross my path and the amazing number of ways and times the universe keeps trying to get the message to me, is that we have to keep trying. Practice well, my friends.

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