Staying in the Present

On Sunday afternoon Denise Rosier did a concert. At one point she talked about not being ‘sporty’ throughout childhood. Then she decided to do a 5k and her friend who runs marathons advised her to “feel her feet”. Don’t get caught up in how far you have run or how far to go, just be present. As happened with her and her mom in the Yorkie parable, I got something else out of her story in addition to the message of being present. How do I define/view myself? No, I cannot change my thinking and suddenly be great at ‘sports ball’ or anything else, but am I limiting myself and not trying new things because “I am not good at ____?” When was the last time I tried? Can I just have fun trying instead of needing to be good? Do I want to practice and get good at ____? So be in the present, but when you do move toward that next moment, day or year, don’t take your limiting definitions with you. Try it. For some inspiration:

Regards, Susan
Board Member

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