Spring and New Beginnings – Melinda Buehring

Spring is coming.  We see the crocuses poking through the ground with their delicate purple flowers.  Yay!  Daylight savings time just happened, and we lost an hour of sleep, “springing” forward.  Did you make it to the church on time on Sunday?  I took a walk a couple of days ago, and the weather was so delightful, with temps in the upper 60’s.  Then today, I took a nap (had to get up an hour earlier for church this morning) before walking and the temp was 39 degrees, so I wore my winter coat.    

And this weekend marked the one year anniversary of our last in-person service at Unity In Naperville.  And we did well with the transition to on-line services and other offerings and ways to be together apart.  Thanks to Parker and Kim-Char, it was seamless.  Since we had already been offering streaming services, the technology was there.  And Parker created Unity Community Connect, and what a blessing that has been.  From Lunch Together Online, to Crafters Circle, Creageous Writers, Kitty’s most recent class – where we are creating our personal mission and vision statements, vision board workshop, John Lewis’s book discussion group with a librarian from Kansas, as well as our very own Sharon Dziubski (I just had to look up how to spell her name)…. And that is just to name a few.  Have you taken advantage of these offerings?  Our online offerings will continue, all from the comfort of your own home.  

And how exciting is it to be able to have in-person services starting on April 4 with our brand new stage and upgrades to the building!?!  If you haven’t signed up yet and want to attend, be sure to go to the website to sign up to attend on April 4, and once a month after that.  And of course, the livestream will continue, so when you can’t get a seat in the “house,” you can still be a part of UIN from your very own “house.”

We can’t wait to see each other again in person, safely, of course.  

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