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I’m Choosing Heaven Today

What is your definition of heaven?  And how is it serving you today?  When I asked my i-phone for a definition, I was told that Heaven is “a place regarded in various religions as the abode of God and the angels and of the good after death, often traditionally depicted as being above the sky. A state of being eternally in the presence of God after death.”  For many of us raised in traditional faith groups, such definitions seem familiar.  But, how do we reconcile our good ol’ time religion with such teachings as, “Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven and all else will be added unto you?”  And how do we find comfort there?
In New Thought, we study the imbedded messages of Christianity, along with other faith teachings down through time.  Truth is incontrovertible, and within every path to God is the Realization that heaven is not a place but a state of being, with such core qualities as harmony, wholeness, mental peace, poise, wellbeing, and the experience of knowing the supreme bliss of our Oneness with Source (God).
During this strange new world of 2020, the “bliss of Oneness” with God can feel elusive and unattainable.  In The Abundance Book,* author John Randolph Price discusses the commonalities within all philosophical and religious faith systems, offering a glimpse of qualities we can intentionally cultivate to align our thoughts with the ascended aspects of Spirit.  He wrote that….”Regardless of the level of instruction, one particular teaching remained constant:  Mind and emotions embodying love, gentleness, and peace eliminated limitation – and that such a consciousness of harmlessness freed an individual from the bonds and restrictions of the race thought.”
Harmony, wholeness, mental peace, poise, wellbeing, love, gentleness, peace, harmlessness…. What’s your perception of heaven?  And are you choosing it today?
Love & blessings,
Rev. Mary Beth Speer

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