Sit By The Lady with That Energy!

Daniel Nahmod, inspirational and spiritual singer-songwriter, (23 albums!), was the guest musician and speaker recently for our Sunday service. He also performed in concert on our stage later in the afternoon. What a treat the day was. So grateful for the experiences we get to have here at Unity in Naperville that move us to be the best we can be.  To be honest, the first time I saw Daniel Nahmod as the guest musical speaker for a Sunday service here a few years ago, I thought he was playing Kim-Char’s songs! Haha! I had no idea how many of the songs we hear regularly at UIN were Daniel Nahmod songs. 

We are so blessed in this Spiritual community. To have Live Music performed in our church. To have a minister with musical roots and Highest Good as our house band. To have a musical director who is passionate, not only about her own career but about booking and bringing in amazing musical guests on a regular basis for us all to experience. They all have such a special gift. They express the Love of God with music and we get to sing along with them, laugh with them, cry with them and we are better people because of the messages and rhythms they share with us, and leave us with, every week.    

When my family began attending Sunday services at UIN about 8 years ago, we brought our 3 (then young) kids every other week. Verbally, they would express resistance about going to church on Sundays, but during the week (to our surprise) they often quoted Rev. Kitty and even walked around the house humming songs they had heard performed that Sunday by Highest Good, without even realizing it! 

I’ll never forget the second time we brought the kids to Church at Unity. I wanted them to feel comfortable so as we walked into the sanctuary, I asked them where they wanted to sit this week? Our youngest son Davey said, “Over by the lady with that energy.” Not exactly sure what he meant. I asked, “What lady?” He said, “The lady who plays the guitar and sings.” So for years when we went to church we sat way over on the left side of the sanctuary, where Kim-Char and the band played back then, where Davey felt comfortable and happy. At 9 years old, he reminded us to be around people that lifted up our “Being”, to experience live uplifting music often. 

So grateful for the many people here at Unity who make it possible to experience the power of Love expressed through music on our stage almost every week. 

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