Shift Happens, Consciousness Evolves

Life is often turbulent, but seldom as much as it has been this year.  No accident that in 2020, we are being called by events to see more clearly.  Any one of these events would have alone been an earth shaker, together they have created “The Big One” of our individual and collective lives.  So what now?  Do we just strive to make our way through the effect until it all passes or do we seek clarity on the mental cause that has led to this confluence of human struggles.  We do have the wherewithal to do this if we look beyond that which we see with our eyes and go within to see more.

Gary Zukav in “The Seat of the Soul” points out that “We are evolving from five-sensory humans into multi-sensory humans…. The multi-sensory is able to perceive, and to appreciate, the role that our physical reality plays in a larger picture of evolution.”  He points to the power that each of us possesses if we choose to use our intuitive senses.  Spiritual practices are the key to open this door.

Collective consciousness evolves, the sum total of the inputs of all of us.  This evolution stops for no one.  We automatically participate in it by virtue of our very existence.  Yet we can do so more deliberately if we choose.  Let’s all jump in and become an active, rather than passive, participant in the evolution of human consciousness.  Let’s meditate, pray and co-create a new reality together.

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