Scary thoughts for the season

I have been reading Joseph Murphy’s The Miracle of Mind Dynamics and this particular passage struck me forcefully this week:

“You become what you condemn. When you vilify, criticize, and find fault with others, you begin to exemplify what you criticize. When you are angry, hostile and bitter, your mind is much more receptive to the negative, fearful, and hateful suggestions of the world.”

Well, ick. Let in those horrors? Nope. Don’t want that. He goes on to say:

“The reason is obvious. You are operating at a very low vibration, and you are opening your mind to all sorts of angry, hateful vibrations from the race mind. You are operating at a very low wave length and tuning in on all the negative currents of humanity at that level of vibration, because like attracts like.”

Like attracts like. I know that. We know that. What I had not remembered was that criticizing, finding fault, vilifying others fell into that negative thought bucket. It is not enough to keep a positive outlook on my life. I need to be careful what I pull into my consciousness as I observe the world. Even the small “nit-picking” critical thoughts I am very prone to are negative bits letting in more of the same.

Of course, Murphy offers the solution as well. “Give all power to God and to God alone…” Got it. Again. Thanks for the reminder, God.
 Susan Snowden

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