Rev. Kitty – The Light of God

Christmas is always a special time for me.  I love the beautiful lights that pop up around town and of course the Christmas carols filtering through the air. The parties and the gift-giving are fun too. But at some point, in all the hoopla of the Season, we may find ourselves just going through the same motions we’ve been through year after year. Fortunately, I also serve in a ministry that points me to a more meaningful connection to Christmas.  And as Christmas Eve has arrived at our doorstep, I’ve had the chance to ponder once again the true Spirit of the Season. If you’ve joined me this past month, I’ve been preparing the way for Christmas, encouraging you to join me as we follow Jesus along a path of awakening.  Together we’ve celebrated the I AM presence of God within each of us as The Way, The Truth, The Life, The Joy, and The Peace of God. And during our Christmas Eve Service, we’ll be remembering as Jesus taught us, that we are also The Light of God.  I’m sure you’ve heard it referenced in the Bible, but have you ever really considered what it means to BE the Light of God?  I hope you’ll take time to join us at 7pm for our Christmas Eve Service, where together we can explore the true nature of the Light within us. It will be a wonderful way to celebrate the birth of the Christ in our hearts and learn how to be a Christ Light in a world that is struggling.  Kim-Char and the band will bring their amazing music, we’ll explore the traditional Christmas story in a new way, light candles, sing carols, and take time in the quiet to find our own sacred connection to the Divine.   If I don’t get a chance to see you tonight, know that I am holding you in my heart, so grateful to know that One Spirit joins us together. May this Christmas be a time of deep connection to the Love of God and a chance to let your Christ Light shine in new and wonderful ways.

Merry Christmas with great love,

Rev. Kitty

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