Rev. Kitty – The Emotion of Gratitude

How many times a day do you say “thank you?” We’re taught as children to say thank you every time someone gives us something. We’ve been saying it for so long, it’s often without thought. When someone gives us change, holds the door open, drops off a report on our desk, or picks up something we’ve dropped, “Thank you” comes out of our mouth as an automatic response.  But how often do we actually feel grateful for what we’ve received?  If you’ve been listening to our Unity messages long enough, you’ve probably heard me mention the power of our feelings.  Thoughts and words can create our life experiences, but only if there’s enough feeling associated with them to raise our spirit into alignment with the Divine. Even neuroscience is finding that if you really feel your gratitude when you say it, you will be happier and healthier (see the link below to a recent article.) This Thanksgiving as we celebrate the good in our lives, let’s see if we can’t step it up a notch.  As you go around the table and share what you’re grateful for, try closing your eyes and recalling a warm feeling of appreciation, joy, or even love for the good you’ve received. The more often you spend time feeling thankful, the more often you’ll attract reasons to feel thankful.

I thought this year Unity could help you to get the feelings flowing by inviting you to our Thanksgiving Eve Service. You’ll hear friends from our community share stories to open your heart and you’ll also have an opportunity to experience gratitude using your five physical senses. Please consider bringing an item you can see, touch, taste, smell or hear that you are grateful for.  It might be a flower, an object that brings back warm memories, artwork, a bell, popcorn, a fuzzy toy, beautiful fabric, a slice of orange…whatever helps you FEEL grateful when you experience it.  Put it on display in the classroom before the Service and we’ll all take a look before we leave. Our Thanksgiving Eve Service happens this Wed. at 7pm. It’s a great opportunity to share what Unity is about with friends and family, so invite them along.

And before I finish this, know that I’m taking a moment right now to feel how thankful I am to have you in my life. Though my days are jam-packed with ministry, it all brings me joy and I couldn’t feel more grateful for this chance to take this spiritual journey together with you.

With much love and blessings for a joy-filled Thanksgiving,


The Emotion of Gratitude

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