
Reset, according to the dictionary,  is “to set again or differently.” As usual, I have to be given a message a few different ways before it sinks in. On the way to service Sunday, I hear on my podcast that a doctor recommends his patients take just 1 minute of silence at the end of their commute before they rush into the office and again at the end of the day before going into the house. Just sit for 1 minute without doing anything. Close your eyes. Reset from the craziness of getting out the door. Lay everything down for one minute to get your body out of that flight or fight mode. He says morning meditation is great if you can do it, but many won’t take the time or cannot make the time with kids and morning tasks. The commute can be its own stressor, especially when viewed as something in the way of getting on to our next task on that never-ending to-do list. Take a full 60 seconds to change your mental state – reset. You go to work clearer. When you do it again at the end of the day, you take one minute and reset for home. Two minutes of the whole day – reset.

Rev Kitty quoted Rom. 12.2 “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind…” She also had us do an exercise very like this one-minute clear that the doctor was recommending. She had us think of one object and then empty.

Just one minute to think of nothing. To clear and reset. Be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Not by trying to think the right things, not by organizing the next list. Stop. For 60 seconds just be present and breathe.

There. Reset.

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