Positivity – Todd Dietz

Greetings Unity Family! Listening to Rev Kitty’s message this morning directed my focus towards how I am feeling, and it is nice to identify that the word I would use to describe it is Positive. I have been watching the trees become green and full of leaves and my lawn lush and green again, the birds are chirping and singing their songs, it feels great to see that spring has sprung! Along with that, I was very grateful this week when the golf courses were re-opened. Golf is my passion, and it is a great form of exercise when we walk the courses. This weekend I was able to get out and walk a local course with my son, the weather was fantastic and we had a really nice time. Times like that are memories I will always cherish.

I am also feeling very positive about an indoor activity that I’ve been looking forward to, and that is the 12 Powers Project that was mentioned again during the service announcements today. I am looking forward to tuning into my creative side and seeing what type of artwork I can create related to this project. I think the final product is going to be amazing, and it is special that we all have a chance to contribute towards it in our own creative ways.

I hope you are all finding ways to stay positive and productive during this time as I am. Looking forward to seeing you all soon…perhaps during the Tues and Thurs on-line lunch hour!

Blessings, Todd Dietz, Board Member

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A Walk in the Physical

NEW CLASS – “A WALK IN THE PHYSICAL” – Tues 6:30pm (CT) Apr 23 – May 14 – ONLINE. Join Rev. Kitty for this 4-week