Personal History Workshop

Wednesday, October 19 at 7pm
– Online Event –

We all know what it’s like to lose a loved one and later wish that we had asked them more about their lives. Sure, they may have shared stories on occasion but our memory over time has become fragmented and we failed to write anything down. Those precious details are now gone. Wouldn’t it be wise, then, to be sure that doesn’t happen with you and your own history? Why not set aside some time every month to start gathering your own memories into some place special so they can later be shared with other loved ones? Or just memorialized for your own personal use. Not only would it be a gift to your family, but just the process of going back through time and tracking your past can be a valuable gift to you as well. You may find that your past has secrets to tell you, patterns to reveal, family dynamics to make sense of. It will also help you “harvest the good” from your life, so you can reap the rewards of your labors, be proud of your growth, and be grateful for the talents you perhaps didn’t see you had.

That’s what this Personal History Workshop is all about… to help you start on creating your own album, book or even video. Susan Rittenhouse will guide you through the process of collecting information, writing the narrative, and putting it into a format that is useful to you and your family. Reference materials with family history questions will be provided and a photo scanner will be available for you to digitize your old family photos, children’s art work, etc. There are options available for various technical abilities (or no abilities) and Susan is available to assist as needed. This first gathering is an informational workshop to lay out the big picture and point you in the right direction. More meetings will follow to keep you on track. Get started now and you may find that the holidays will be rich with opportunities to gather thoughts and set aside materials.

To attend, please register below.  The zoom link will be sent by email prior to the event.  For further information, contact Susan at or call 630-638-3834.

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