Last Day of the Year

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SUN. DEC. 31

Special Year End Services 8:30 & 10:30am; New Year’s Eve Dinner; Year-end Giving Tips

kitty bensonOnce again, we’ve come to the end of another year. This Sunday, Dec. 31, we’ll say good-bye to 2017. Some of us hardly notice the change of date, while others celebrate wildly. But how often do you think about the past 12 months and consider the gifts and lessons this year has shared with you? And as you enter into 2018 are you conscious of how you wish to begin? In order to help you move through this transition purposefully, we hope you’ll make time to join us at Unity in Naperville over the next two Sundays.

This Sunday, (the 31st) at our 8:30 and 10:30 am Services, we will consider the baggage we’ve been carrying around for too long, and discuss how to finally let it go. The following Sunday, Jan. 7th, we’ll choose a new identity for ourselves as we decide who we want to be in 2018. We’ll set the intention through the ritual of the White Stone ceremony and enjoy special music from Highest Good as well. Please bring your friends and family to be a part of these very meaningful Services.

Also, join us for a casual dinner out on New Year’s Eve! In addition to making new friends, and enjoying social time together, we’ll tag onto the Sunday Message by sharing and listening to ideas about letting go of this past year and holding a positive intention for 2018. Learn more.

As we close out the year Unity in Naperville would like to extend thanks for your very generous giving. We trust that you value what you receive from your spiritual community, and we look forward to continuing to serve you in 2018 through our many programs and services devoted to spiritual growth.

If you still wish to make a tax-deductible gift before the end of the year, we’re deeply grateful…and here are some important tips and links for year-end giving to Unity in Naperville:

• All gifts being mailed must be postmarked by Dec. 30 to be included in your 2017 giving. They may be mailed to Unity in Naperville at PO Box 9733, Naperville IL 60567.
• You may also give through cash, check or credit card at our Sunday Services this Sunday, Dec. 31.
• You can give online here
• With tax changes next year, some may benefit from giving next year’s gifts this year.
• And for future notice, Unity in Naperville is in the process of opening an account that allows us to accept stock donations. Email or call 630-499-9968 for more details.

A New Year always comes with the feeling of a fresh beginning. We hope you’ll say farewell to 2017 and embrace 2018 with your friends at Unity.

Your unique divine spirit is a gift to us all!

Rev. Kitty[/cs_text][x_share title=”Share this Post” share_title=”” facebook=”true” twitter=”true” google_plus=”true” linkedin=”true” pinterest=”false” reddit=”false” email=”true” email_subject=”Hey, thought you might enjoy this! Check it out when you have a chance:”][/cs_element_column][/cs_element_row][/cs_element_section][/cs_content]

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