Jeff Benoit – Fathering A Future

The last half year or so has been about finding my way after the loss of my beloved Karl.  My life had been wrapped up in a package with his, or so it seemed.  So where do I go, what do I do?  I would think about  ways to reshape my physical world in a way that would fill the void.  I was looking outside myself for the answer.  If I do this, this and this, it will place me on a path to emotional survival at least.  However, it was not long before I realized that I couldn’t fully rebuild my life ad hoc this way.

Then, I gained a new perspective of my life as it is.  Friends in Unity became mirrors for my OK-ness.   Their love made me realize that I am whole just as I am without anything or anyone added, which then opened me up to the possibilities for rebirth and regeneration.   What is my next expression?  Introspection and affirming God’s Wisdom and Power within me led to invigoration and a natural flow of ideas.  I became the father of my own future, as I was able to affirm and align with what it would feel like to be joyful and enthusiastic about life.  Then the relevant ideas that I had earlier been mentally scrounging around for one by one just began to appear before me in succession as I moved down the road of my new evolution.

I am beginning to really see the light at the end of the tunnel.   According the law that thoughts become things, I guess I have always fathered my own destiny, but now I have realized a new way.  Here’s the difference.  Whenever I try to do this by my little ego self, I get struggle.  It is when I turn to God that the path becomes guided and flows evenly.  I guess you might say that sound fathering starts with the Father.  Can I get an Amen to that?

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