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Jaimee Ory – I Am the Supply and the Demand

I have felt profoundly impacted by the recent series Reverend Kitty did on “Supply and Demand”. For most of my life I have struggled with victim consciousness. Thoughts of, “why me?”, “why not me?”, “why others?”, plagued my thinking and constantly brought down my efforts to raise my consciousness and feel closer to my Spiritual Connection.  I created numerous vision boards focusing on what I wanted my supply to be and how I wanted my supply to express itself. And although many visions did manifest, I would find myself (of course with my victim thinking!) focusing on the ones that did not manifest. Even more importantly, I noticed more and more that my consciousness was not shifting from doing the vision boards. I was not connecting more with my spiritual power of creating, which I think is a vital part of the experience of doing a vision board. 

But this is why Unity, and particularly the spiritual community I have at Unity in Naperville, is the perfect place for me. As I continue on my spiritual journey and commitment to growth, and through the tools that UIN has to offer,  I am able to deepen my understanding and connection with the Truth of Who I Am. Reverend Kitty’s teaching in the series of “Supply and Demand”, as well as her book recommendation for our church community of Omni Reveals The Four Principles of Creation By John Payne, has gifted me with such a profound shift in consciousness to continue to shed even more my limited thinking and step into thinking that aligns with my Higher Self. I am seeing that the issue for me has never been about supply. It has been about how I demand… which that sentence alone can still make me uncomfortable! But that is what I am releasing and working through, so it is all perfect. 

In the past, demand for me has been approached in a way that I chose to continue to reinforce my victim consciousness. I was waiting for something outside of me to make “it” (the supply) happen.  I was never connected with my power (which is the demand); I was focused on the external with thoughts of “I demand they; I demand you; I demand that”. I am now embracing on an even deeper level than ever before that I am the power, I have the power, and I always have! I do not need to look anywhere outside of me for either the supply, or the demand. The power is within me.  I am my supply and demand- and my outside world merely reflects my state of consciousness. I practice daily now one of the tools Reverend Kitty gifted me with in this series, which is that ending all my thoughts, and spoken words, with the phrase: “and so it is, and so I let it be”. It has pushed me to be even more mindful of how I create and speak forth my world. I am celebrating my ability to connect with demand by remembering one of Unity’s 12 powers: my power.  Thank you, Reverend Kitty, for reminding me in this series about my power to create my world how I want.  What a blessing this church is to me- and I affirm that through continuing to transform myself, I will transform this world!

I want to end this with one of my favorite paragraphs from Omni Reveals The Four Principles of Creation – may it provide inspiration for anyone whose heart it speaks to:

“Your intention is sufficient to create, attract, and invite. Once you realize this law, you can choose to react in one of two ways. You can either see yourself as a victim of your own limited and fearful thinking, or you can celebrate the knowledge that you can have whatever you want and that you indeed have all the power you need to create it. This knowledge is a great source of freedom, for you no longer need to look outside yourself for that which you desire. You are it! The buck stops with you. In fact, it begins there, too. You are the sculptor, and your life is your sculpture. You are the artist, and your life is your canvas. You are the playwright and your life is your script. So what scene are you going to write for yourself next?” 

Many Blessings!

Jaimee Ory, Unity Board Member

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